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MW - Arc 1.4: Mister and Missus Han

Writer's picture: Nikki YokoyamiNikki Yokoyami

I WAS SILENT the entire car ride.

Maybe it was because the atmosphere in the car was too tense enough to break. Maybe it was because the grim look on my dad's face made it too hard to ask why he was taking me to his ex-family's company. Or, maybe it was because I was scared of what my dad might say when I was him why we were driving further and further away from the direction of our house.


WHEN WE ARRIVED at the company, my dad exited the cab before letting me step out as well. Then, he paid the cab driver before swiftly turning and walking straight into the building. He left with no words to me, so I could only helplessly follow him.

I caught up with him after I found him talking quietly with the secretary that greets the visitors. He seemed to be in a heated conversation with the secretary, rubbing his eyes before turning them back onto the lady. I padded up behind him quietly and listened numbly, no sound processing my ears as bigger thoughts flitted across my mind.

Why am I here?

Where is Yuri? Where is mom?

Why is it just dad and me?

Before I could answer myself, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the direction of the entrance. I turned, watching with newfound interest at the distraction.

It was a group of men, young and old alike, huddling around an elderly couple. When I say elderly couple, I don't mean the nice, gentle-looking ones you find wandering the nearby parks. Their gazes, which held a level of seniority I've never seen before, swiped over the men with unforgiving and disinterested glances. This couple practically exuded authority by the sharp and clean way they dressed.

I was shaking from just looking at them. I was tempted to turn to my dad, grab his sleeve, and tell him to bring me home. To bring me anywhere but here.

To my surprised, my dad confidently turned to the couple and strode towards them, a grim look on his face. I panicked, whispering out a "Dad! What are you doing?" He didn't pay me any attention, though, and stopped directly in front of the couple.

"Mother, father," my dad said, angling his body into a bow, "I have a request to make."

I thought my dad had lost his mind.

Why did he call them mother and father? They can't be my grandparents. Aren't my grandparents suppose to be old and senile? Ugly and scary looking? At least... that's what mother told us.

I did have to admit they were scary, but not in a horror movie way. It's like a strict kind of scary. They weren't ugly in the least as well; they actually looked young and handsome for their age. As far as senile... I don't get a senile vibe from them.

The lady, who dad called mother, gave my dad a sweeping glance before walking past him. The man, who dad called father, was different in the sense that he stood in the same spot but didn't give my dad a glance either.

"And who might you be?"

The man's tone of voice is cold and unforgiving. It's like my dad is dead to him.

My dad probably was.

"Father..." My dad, who looked at a loss but nonetheless continued, seemed to be hesitant. "No... CEO Han, may I have a moment of your time?"

CEO Han seemed to sniff haughtily in my dad's direction before shifting his gaze to his female companion.

"Liena, do you think I should?"

Liena's reply was curt. "Hyunsik, if you think after all this time you need to refer to me whenever you encounter a minor problem, I have a feeling those fifty years of being married were for naught."

CEO Han's mouth twitched upwards, a sorry excuse of a smile appearing before disappearing.

"Please, just this once," begged my dad, "it's for Mihi's sake."

At the sudden mention of my name, everyone that was a part of the situation turned and placed their gaze on me. I was like a deer in headlights as my panic grew and rooted me to the spot.


It was the first and only word I heard Liena spoke in reference to me before she made her way towards the CEO office floor.

"You heard her," said CEO Han, a grim look on his face.

My dad's face fell as CEO Han strode away.


MY DAD THEN brought me to the babysitter's house. He told me to go watch some T.V. while he spoke to her. I listened and didn't ask.

After an hour, the babysitter came into the living room and sat down next to me. She watched me for a long time before playing with my hair.

"Mimi," she said, using the nickname she called me whenever she wanted to have a talk, "do you like your mother?"

I kept my eyes trained on the T.V. "No."

"Then, Mimi," she continued, pulling me towards her and sitting me in her lap, "do you like your sister?"

Once again, I gave her the same answer.

"What about your dad? Do you like him?"

I paused for a split second before deciding. "Is okay."

"Do you like me?"

This question made me turn and face her. "Miss Chae is nice. And kind."

"Then, Mimi," Miss Chae said, "do you mind staying with me?"

Again I paused. Not because it was a tough decision, it really wasn't, but I wasn't sure if answering this question was going to get me in trouble.

"Is Mimi going to get in trouble if she says no? Mimi likes Miss Chae and doesn't mind."

Miss Chae gave me a big smile before replying.

"Mimi will not get in trouble. Miss Chae pinkie promises you, okay?"

Miss Chae held up her pinkie finger as she spoke, inclining it towards me as I stuck out my own pink and wrapped it around hers.

"Miss Chae promises?"

"Yes, Mihi. I promise."


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